COMMENTARY, 3uIy 28, 1977
Brinkley, with a few comments about an Idea now afloat In Washington. It will
sink probably without a trace, but it’s interesting anyway. Senator Abourezk of
South Dakota offers a Constitutional amendment to allow for public
initiatives. That is, if enough of the public signs a
petition to do this or that, Congress would have to do it. A way for the
American people, If enough of them agree, to pass a law …. or repeal a law. Or
It would be
somewhat like the system In California and a few other states — settling public
questions by public vote rather than by votes in the legislatures. The idea
behind it, as I understand it, Is that Congress is so heavily dominated by
pressure groups and lobbyists . . . has come to be so self-centered and so
Intent on reelection . . . that it’s time to return some power to the public to
decide for themselves such questions as how much of their money Is going to be
extracted from them by law.., and how It is going to be spent.
Well, as one
who is and always has been distrustful of large, self-serving organizations
such as government bureaucracies . . . and as one who is sick and tired of
pious, self-righteous, patronizing rules and instructions from Washington of
heavy-handed bullying of the public about how much of their own money they’re
allowed to keep ... I must say Abourezk’s Idea does have a certain appeal.
There are many serious questions to be asked. And some aspects of it are highly
dubious. But I do believe we need some way to get a rein on government and
This idea may
not be it. But even if It were, Congress would never pass it. It would have to
give up some of its power. Nobody should hold their breath waiting for that.
David Brinkley, NBC news, New York.