Lobby Press Release of March 1976
The question which this Commission is considering today has been a
major concern of many of the most prominent citizens, scientists, and statesmen of
our day. In the last several years, we have heard Nobel Laureates argue among
themselves about the safety, reliability and necessity of atomic power. We have
seen scientists resign from government jobs because federal regulation of the
nuclear industry is a sham. We have felt the economic crunch of atomic power --
plants that only operate about half the time and end up costing two to three
times their projected prices. We have watched the nuclear industry beg Congress
to finance the entire atomic energy program because its costs are so great. We
have witnessed cover—ups of internal Atomic Energy Commission documents
reminiscent of Watergate. And we have experienced a significant citizen
reaction to the atomic energy program in California: a proposal to put nuclear
energy policy-making in the hands of the people through their elected
The atomic energy industry has made many promises and raised many
questions about whether nuclear power is safe, reliable, and economical. But
the people of California want not shallow promises of energy independence, not
uncertainties about safety and reliability, but humane and realistic solutions
to our energy problems. The citizens of California will no longer tolerate
consideration of this issue by kangaroo courts intent on rendering premeditated
decisions without judicious and fair consideration.
This hearing is a sham and a disservice to the people of California. It
has been hastily convened and ill—conceived in a token attempt to shed a
well-screened ray of public light on a decision the Board of Supervisors will,
make behind closed doo4s. Why, when the citizens of California have qualified
an initiative to open up energy decision-making by putting it in the hands of
the legislature, would this Commission defraud the public through a hearing of
this nature?
The Commission considered this question in February
and chose to hold hearings. Had we made
the decision to consider the issue at that time, we may have had the
opportunity to validly review the energy question and make a recommendation to
the Board of Supervisors. But hearings thrown together in such a hasty fashion,
with so little consideration, cannot be termed appropriate or adequate for an
issue of such gravity.
Since the Los Angeles County Energy Commission formally took office in
December, 1973, its validity and integrity have been questionable.. You may
remember that I appeared before the Board regarding my concern that our
commission was so riddled with conflicts of interest that it should probably be
dissolved. At this time, I believe that the Commission should, minimally, not
pretend to consider the questions presented by the Proposition 15 in view of
the gravity of the issue, the history of government deception, and the hearing
witnesses as they are presented here today.
I say this because I, as a citizen, have a conflict of interest on this
issue, I say this because both m~ husband and myself have worked for safe
nuclear power. And I say this because we know, in a very personal way, the
issue which we are addressing. My husband, who has worked to qualify safe
energy initiatives in 16 states and has spent his life in pursuit of true
self-government and a humane society, is dieing of cancer. 9ince 1972, we have
fought for safe nuclear power, and we will continue to do so until we achieve
our goal. I ~kef9 Chairman Foster to delay these hearings in deference to my
situation at this time. In spite of the fact that Commission hearings have been
delayed for such events as Chamber of Commerce hearings, the Chairman refused
to delay them.
I now realize that life and death move inexorably forward. That my
husband will die, of the very disease that we consider when we discuss atomic
energy and its consequences. And that I have confronted many of society’s
taboos by coming here today, when my husband is seriously ill. But I know that
in spite of the conflicts of interest, and the billions of taxpayers’ dollars
that have been poured into the nuclear industry, we must seriously consider the
question of whether atomic power is safe. Reliable and economical. And I know that this commission, by its
hastily conceived hearings, is only paying lip service to the issue.
I ask not that the Commission support Proposition 15 as I and my husband
do, but only that we seriously and conscientiously consider the issue, and
that this hearing be only the beginn4nq of our review. I move that we extend
these hearings until May, when we can assemble a hearing panel of experts to
express their views on the question so that we can present a public hearing
that is worthy or the name. I ask this for the people of California and for
myself, because I know what radioactivity does and what cancer is. And I am
afraid that the decision this Commission may make as c~ result of so little consideration will be one more
nail in the coffin of our society and those to come.