1500 7th Street #7B
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 443-7508
4, 1986
RE: "Reform" of the Initiative
Process---a Discussion
BY: Joyce Koupal, Executive Director
many of you know, the initiative process is under legislative attack
in California. Many of the "reforms" proposed by the
legislature are also suggested in an article recently published by
the IAR.
& Referendum Report
B. McGuigan, Editor
Second Street, N.E.
D.C. 20002
Analysis and Critique of Larry Berg and CB Holman's overview of the
initiative process in California entitled "The Initiative Process
and Its Declining Agenda-Setting Value",
March 1986 issue.
Berg and Holman begin their
essay from a mistaken premise. The initiative process is not . . .
"a 'people's check' on the political agenda produced by
representatives.. . ." That is the function of the -referendum-
The other important point is
that instead of making it even harder for those who are frozen out
of the initiative process by high prices and the other points so
impressively made by Berg and Holman - why not simply -REDUCE
Initiatives signatures BY AT LEAST 50%-. Along with that it would help to
legislate the right of citizens to gather signatures in public
access places, such as shopping centers.
The important thing to remember is
that when one side of a political
stripe seems to be dominating the use of the initiative process it
really means that the other side should be examining why they have
left the field of struggle. Abolishing the other side is not
the answer to the problem, especially when we live in a
"democracy". Berg and Holman should examine what happened
to the political parties in California when we abolished
cross-filing, something that should have accomplished what Berg
Holman seem to want (rejuvenated political parties).
SIGNATURE REQUIREMENT FOR Initiatives, geographic "distribution"
of petition signatures, limitations on initiative subject matter,
indirect initiative, shorter referendum and initiative
ballots, cooling-off periods for initiatives previously
considered, and signature thresholds. If such oppressive
"reforms" succeed, they will silence the people and bring
temporary comfort to the established power structure.
IAR article uses a series of so-called facts and data
to establish reasons why the initiative process should be
"reformed" out of existence. It issues a call to business to make
"reform" a top priority of their public affairs
departments. The article provides an excellent opportunity to
discuss the issues being raised by the enemies of the
initiative process. I therefore submit my comments to you and
welcome your criticism.
CONTENDS: *People's admitted ignorance supports:
1. Voters like the concept of the initiative process, but are concerned about
the specifics.
2. A high percentage of voters admit they do not understand the
initiative process-.
supports on of early initiative history indicates that the
people of California clearly understood the power and use of
the process. Because they became so skilled, enemies of the initiative
process in the 1940s, in the form of liquor lobbyist Artie Samish,
obtained passage of "reform" legislation. The
initiative process was virtually lost to the people of California
for almost thirty years. As late as 1969, professional signature
gathering firm president Joe Robinson bragged to initiative proponents that,
"If you don't hire me, your initiative won't qualify."
So, for the rich, who could afford to pay, the
initiative process was a viable political tool. For the
great body of citizen activists, the initiative process was beyond
their budgets
the initiative process lay fallow, the power structure was using it. For those, who could afford to pay, the
initiative process was a viable political tool. For the great body of
citizen activists, the initiative process was beyond their budgets. For them it was non-existent.
Initiatives were given one line in California text
books and, over the next few years, that line was
gradually expanded to a chapter on history.
order to encourage and teach others to use the process, People's Lobby
speakers appeared on high school and college campuses nationwide. PLI (People’s
Lobby Incorporated) wrote, printed and distributed millions of pieces of
educational material about the process. In 1975, PLI published a
compendium on all known initiative information, and, in 1976
published -- Direct Democracy-. It had become clear that not one
book in the entire country, dealing exclusively with the initiative,
recall and referendum processes, existed.
been fifteen years since PLI broke down the roadblocks for using
the process and initiative information in our educational system
still doesn't exist. How can people know what they are not taught or cannot
find out about on their own?
groups are -- using -- the initiative
process -- not studying non-existent information. These groups are receiving
what little technical information is available by
paying professionals, piecemeal from other action groups, or,
through practical experience. Whether paying professionals or learning
"the hard way", it is an expensive and time consuming process.
oriented groups, with little or no training, can
make mistakes or use the initiative process in ways that anger others. It
is wrong to punish the initiative process because such problems
may exist.
3. The initiative is no cure-all for what ails democracy. Supporters of a
national initiative process base their feelings in large measure
on the Swiss experience with direct democracy and believe a
national initiative is a “quick fix" for democratic
ailments such as low voter turnouts.-
on the national initiative proposal
don't know any national initiative proponent who believes the Swiss
experience can provide a standard for the United States,
Switzerland still hasn't given women full voting rights. It
is difficult, however, to study initiatives
without discussing Switzerland; the process started there.
Proponents have contended that more voters turn out and vote during a controversial initiative campaign. Statistics tend to support that position. When you take +all ballot measures on average+, as IARs statistics do, then the trend is less votes on issues than for candidates. Supporting a predisposed position by using "numbers games" is a tactic often used by our enemies.
is nothing sinister about a national initiative process; it is a
civilized way to address grievances. A national initiative is a
natural extension of voting rights. Starting from only
propertied men voting, to most men, to black men, to women,
to eighteen-year-olds, voting rights have been extended.
Abolition of poll taxes, voting directly for United States Senators,
post-card registration, and many other reforms have further extended
4. The presence of the initiative does not necessarily +increase+ voter turnout
in the state that use the process.
5. Many voters who do go to the polls decline the opportunity to vote in
the states that use the process.