August 1,
1996 edition of San Diego Review newspaper
Just more
“confused fused clamor?”
By Dwayne Hunn L
Initiative. An honored American quality.
We used it to explore and tame a frontier, build infrastructure,
agriculture, science, business and general prosperity that is the envy of the
world. We slip, fall, make mistakes,
but over our 200+ years someone or some group initiates the rebound and pulls
us back up.
The Big Bear lifted her leg and
‘sputnicked’ on us. We initiated
changes, let American ingenuity take over and
hibernated the stodgy Bear. As
American businesses lulled themselves into complacency , the Japanese used an American teamwork
concept to build better quality products,.
Then the drugged American giant initiated changes that some say has catapulted us back into the competitive
Dissatisfaction. Another honored American trait.
We use it to change things we
don’t like --- monotonous labor, poor quality,
bullying neighbors, etc.
Historically, it has
compelled enough AmeriCan-dos
to shut up and fix whatever it is we are bitching about.
What American bitches still needs fixing?
If you tabulated the last several decades of polls, the results would show that a healthy percentage of Americans would like to see their political institutions infused
with some fresh AmeriCan-do
Of course, dissatisfaction with political
institutions, like America’s can-do spirit, seems to be something ingrained
in our genes, or at least our jeans, as
Alex DeTocqueville’s noticed in 1831-32.
No sooner do you set
foot upon America ground, than you are stunned by a kind of tumult; a confused
fused clamor is heard on every side; and a thousand simultaneous voices demand
the satisfaction of their social wan.
Everything is in motion around you..... Meetings are called for the sole purpose of declaring
their disapprobation of the conduct of
the government; whilst in other assemblies, citizens salute the authorities of
the day as the fathers of their country.
Today perhaps that level of political
participation may not exist among the same proportion of the populace as it
did then, but at times you are reminded
that the instinct still exists. It was
probably in the jeans you saw in the
anti-war and anti-government rallies and meetings of the 1960’s &
1970’s. You may be viewing that graying instinct as third, fourth and fifth
parties organize today.
From the couch potato, who registers his
time with a poll, to the activist, who
climbs his hook and ladder up the poll, the desire to improve government
is widespread. However, all the techniques that improved
our private sector’s inventiveness, quality control, or bottom line will not
automatically be useful in
improving our government. Of all the
tools used to improve performance in both public or private sectors, good
training and education seem the most reliable.
In the private sector, when workers are given responsibility and
authority along with good training and education their productivity generally
What might that tell us we should do to improve America’s political
Perhaps, we should better train, educate
and responsibly involve Americans in governance.
How do we best train and educate Americans on how our political
institutions should work?
Well, most grown-ups find their best
education and training comes from
first-hand experiences. So maybe we
should more directly involve Americans in governing.
Are we willing to take the chance on improving Americans first hand
experiences in the workings of our political system if that means giving them
more authority and responsibility, as we now do to improve some business
If we are
willing to give a nation of Americans that responsibility, then the
answer to these three questions lies in the word that started this essay. The
In 1996 twenty-four states and the
District of Columbia have the Initiative process. In those states people have the opportunity to get off of their
couches, set up their hook and ladder
and fight any political fire they
want. They can craft legislation, create political
strategy, confront and debate corporate executives or political officials. They can experience first hand what it
takes to win or lose, and their initiative creation has the potential to gain
the voters’ authority, so that the citizenry
are directly responsible for the results.
Even though about half of the states have
the Initiative, Referendum and Recall
process. the citizens of the United States as an entity do not. People’s Lobby started the national
initiative process movement in the mid-70’s. popularizing the concept across
the country from the doors of an old, clunky yellow school bus. Their efforts culminated with Senate
hearings in 1977. Since then three
friendly groups, former United States Senator Mike Gravel’s United States
Initiative, Former Vietnam Vet and initiative organizer Rick Arnold ‘s
Initiative America and Barbara Vincent’s National Referendum Movement, are all
working toward offering all
Americans a national initiative
Many say it is a long overdue
process. Others argue it is too messy
of a process. Regardless, the
philosophy behind giving the people a choice is solidly grounded in the
thoughts of our founding fathers. As
James Madison said in:
The Federalists Papers |
framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great
difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the
governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence upon
the people is, no doubt,
primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the
necessity of auxiliary precautions.
The Founding Fathers and Madison
sought a balance between what he
called a "mixed government" and "free government," based on their experiences with monarchy and
Are we in an age where the “primary
control on the government” is still the people and the national initiative
might be another good “auxiliary precaution(s)?”
Although the radical fringes, whose stupid violence eats away the liberties
of those in the vast middle, may disagree, we don’t labor under an
authoritarian state today. Many,
however, rightfully complain that our various levels of government often fails
to respond effectively to felt needs.
Consider how ineffectively
governments respond to property tax and campaign reform, nuclear plant
safety, environmental safeguard -- then
remember the roles statewide initiatives had to play to implement or force
changes in those fields.
Wouldn’t, adding a national initiative
process give us another tool to keep authoritarianism even further from out
door step, albeit at the expense of making citizens even more unwieldy to deal
with for slow or unresponsive elected
officials? Isn’t that “confused fused
clamor (is) heard on every side; and a thousand simultaneous voices demand(ing)
the satisfaction of their social wan” the lifeblood of democracy?
many experts the Constitution, starting with the words, “We the People of the
United States....” implies that the
Founding Fathers desired that instruments such as the Initiative process be
available to the people. Our founding
fathers didn’t consider the comforts of the governments of even elected representatives as much as they considered the rights of
the individuals. As Harold Chase,
editor of The Constitution and What
It Means Today, states in analyzing
the Constitution:
These stated
objectives make clear the framers' commitment to the proposition that
government should serve to enhance the value and dignity of the individual, as
opposed to the proposition to which authoritarian governments have
traditionally adhered, that the individual's highest duty is to serve the
Of course the tenth amendment buttresses
that argument by reminding all of us
"the powers
not delegated to the United States . . . are reserved to the States
respectively, or to the people,"
The government wasn’t comfortable with the
tumultuous protests and public reactions of the 60’s and 70’s that in large stemmed from our Vietnam and
civil rights policies. Sometimes those
protests turned violent. Had we had
the national initiative process as a tool in our Constitutional tool box, would
the nation have been better or worse served?
Would beneficial results been obtained
more or less efficiently? Would
the nation have been better educated with or without the national initiative
process? Would the availability of the process decreased the
likelihood of violence?
teachers, activists, anti-war actors, hippies and drop-outs have put
more energy into qualifying a national initiative asking Americans to choose
whether to drops bombs, build damns or let
the dominoes fall then in throwing barbs, blood and obscenities? Would
Vietnam have paralyzed and
claimed so many American lives and split so many families had we had a national
initiative process? Would that
initiative debate process have made us a smarter, healthier country than the
process Americans had to go through to end that war?
If the existence of the national
initiative process would have cut only one year and its costs from Vietnam, or
similar stupid ventures in the future, would it have been, or will it be worth
having in our future?
People’s Lobby dozen word logo is worth
responsibility rests with the people
Therefore never
is final authority delegated.