Claremont Courier, November 27, 1974
The drive toward a
national initiative process
Ralph Nader

and Joyce Koupal, the indefatigable leaders of the people's lobby in
California, think Americans should rediscover those mechanisms of
self-government--the initiative, the recall and the referendum, and they're
taking their skilled signature-gathering experience nationwide to build
support for a constitutional amendment establishing a national initiative and
national recall.
Jane the Koupals were instrumental in the passage of the California initiative
known as Propos/flea 9, the political reform act providing for state campaign
spending limits, disclosure of any potential conflict of interest by public
officials, regulation of lobbyists and other "clean government"
reforms. In an expression of dismay over
corrupt politics, Proposition 9 was passed overwhelmingly by over 3 million
that it was the people who directly wrote and passed this state law, not the
state legislature. This is what an "initiative" involves -- a
process by which, 'through petitions, a prescribed number of people may write
proposed laws for direct submission to the voters. Over half a million
Californians signed the petit/on that placed Proposition 9 on the ballot.
states have a statewide initiative; 25 states have a statewide referendum (the
process by which voters may repeal or approve a bill passed by the state
legislature); 14 states have a statewide recall ( the process by which voters
may remove or retain an elected official).
direct democracy measures were largely passed during the
Populist-Progressive period of American history around the turn of and first
decade of this century. But they have been dormant in most states, unused and
almost forgotten by most citizens. The Koupals want them revived to bring back
democratic accountability to the people and make elected officials more
accountable between elections.
almost a decade, the Koupals, operating out of their small print shop, have perfected techniques of signature
gathering. They can marshal 10,000 volunteers in California almost immediately
for a petition drive to get a measure on the state ballot.
they believe that what has been increasingly good for California should be
good for America. They want to test "whether the few, corporate and
government organizations which hold so much of the country's power can stand
democracy in action -- old-fashioned style.
proposed 27th Amendment to the Constitution would read:
people of the USA reserve to themselves the power of the initiative. The
initiative is the power of the electors to propose laws and to adopt or reject
them. An initiative measure may not be submitted to alter or amend the
Constitution of 'the US.
"Every elected officer of the US may be removed from
office at any time by the electors meeting the qualifications to vote in their
state, through the procedure and in the manner herein provided for, which
procedure shall be known as a vote of confidence, and is in addition to any
other method of removal provided by law."
way a democracy withers away is by excessive delegation of citizen
rights and powers to remote and unaccountable businesses
and government bureaucracies. To the extent that special interest
groups buy, rent, misuse or manipulate elected or appointed government
officials, democracy is overridden.
revival of the initiative, referendum and recall in states which provide for
them, the passage of similar measures in other states, and the adoption of a
national initiative and recall would reduce citizen apathy and quicken citizen
involvement in public matters.
readers wishing to obtain the Koupals' recent 50-state compendium of these
"Tools for Self-Government" may do so by sending $ 5 to the People's
Lobby, 3456 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019L