"I'd rather put social justice in the bank than money." Ed Koupal.
Order California Speaker of Assembly, Doris Allen videoTo order fill in this page with your order, print the page(s) and mail or fax it with you check made payable to People's Lobby care of:South Bay Productions 1550 Broadway, Suite 0, Chula Vista, CA. 91911. 619-426-7456 (voice) 619-426-7456 (fax) A printed study guide sent under separate cover with any full ($60) 2 video set order. You may also call People's Lobby at 707-539-5667 or Glen and Hillary at 619-426-7456 to set up the order or seek advice. You may also e-mail to People's Lobby support for questions or advice. Doris Allen: First woman Speaker of the California Assembly. 2 videos DA9805-06 $60.00[Click underlined link above to review what's in these tapes]
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