"American are conditioned... conditioned to go to a movie for $2.50 a week. Yet they won't give $100. a year to clean up politics." Ed Koupal ($2.50, whew!... :>()
To purchase items fill in this page with your order, print the pages) and mail it with you check made payable to People's Lobby care of:South Bay Productions 1550 Broadway, Suite 0, Chula Vista, CA. 91911. 619-426-7456 (voice) 619-426-7456 (fax) A printed study guide sent under separate cover with any full ($120.) 4 video set order. You may also call People's Lobby at 707-539-5667 or Glen and Hillary at 619-426-7456 to set up the order or seek advice. You may also e-mail to People's Lobby support for questions or advice. National Initiative/Initiative (Former Senator Mike Gravel & Ed Koupal) - 4 Videos. NI9801-04 $120.[Click underlined link above to review what's in these tapes]
Pricing Summary:: Full 4 video set (N9801-4) = $120. Each video separately (NI9801,02,03,04) = $40. Shipping charge 1 - 4 tapes = $10, 4 - 8 tapes = $15. 8 -12 tapes = $20. COD add $7.50 California residents tax add 7.5%
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